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Representative publications from the master group of researchers at CCT are listed below, in no particular order.

  • Docter, S., Khan, M., Gohal, C., Ravi, B., Bhandari, M., Gandhi, R., Leroux, T.  Cannabis Use and Sport: A Systematic Review.  Sports Health 2020; 12(2): 189-199.

  • Leroux, T., Gandhi, R., Maldonado-Rodriguez, N., Sundararajan, K., Rampersaud, R., Mahomed, N., Davey, R., Veillette, C., Clarke, H.  Understanding the Role of Cannabis in the Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain.  Accepted as a Poster Presentation to the 2020 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting (Orlando, Florida). *Designated a High-Scoring Poster.

  • Leroux, T., Gandhi, R., Maldonado-Rodriguez, N., Sundararajan, K., Rampersaud, R., Mahomed, N., Davey, R., Veillette, C., Clarke, H.  Understanding the Role of Cannabis in the Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Accepted for Poster Presentation at the 2020 Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) Annual Meeting (Halifax, Nova Scotia). *Designated a High-Scoring Poster

  • Docter, S., Khan, M., Gohal, C., Ravi, B., Bhandari, M., Gandhi, R., Leroux, T.  Cannabis Use and Sport: A Systematic Review.  Poster Presentation at the 2019 International Congress on Clinical Trials in Cannabis (London, United Kingdom).

  • Clarke H and Ladha K. Time for accountability and change: Institutional Gaps in Pain Care During the Opioid Crisis. British Journal of Anaesthesia. Invited by Lesley Colvin for Special Edition on Pain Medicine Summer 2019. 

  • Clarke, H, Manoo V, Pearsall E, Goel A, Feinberg A, Weinrib A, ChiuJ, Shah B, Ladak S.J, Ward S, Srikandarajah S, Brar S.S. and McLeod R. Consensus Statement for the Prescription of Pain Medication at Discharge after Elective Adult Surgery. Canadian Journal of Pain, Feb 2020 (in press).

  • Goel A, McGuiness B, Jivraj N, Wijeysundera D, Mittleman M, Bateman B, Clarke H, Kotra L, & Ladha K. Cannabis use disorder and perioperative outcomes in major elective surgeries: A retrospective Cohort Analysis. Anesthesiology. 2019 Nov 25. Epub ahead of print. 

  • Ladha K, Manoo V, Hanlon J, McLaren-Blades A, Goel A, Wijeysundera D, Kotra L, Ibarra C, Englesakis M, Clarke H. The Impact of Perioperative Cannabis Use – A Narrative Scoping Review. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 2019 Dec 6;4(4):219-230. Doi: 10.1089/can.2019.0054 eCollection 201.

  • Joel Katz, Aliza Z. Weinrib & Hance Clarke (2019) Chronic postsurgical pain: From risk factor identification to multidisciplinary management at the Toronto General Hospital Transitional Pain Service. Canadian Journal of Pain. 3:2, 49 58,  DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2019.1574537 

  • Clarke H, Bao J, Dubin R, Weinrib, A and Kahan M Canada’s hidden opioid crisis: The healthcare system’s inability to manage high dose opioid patients. Fallout from the revised Canadian Opioid Guidelines. Canadian Family Physician. 2019 Sep 65:612-14.

  • Goel A, Feinberg A, McGuiness B, Brar S, Srikandarajah S, Pearsall E, McLeod R, and Clarke H. Postoperative opioid prescribing patterns among surgeons and residents at university-affiliated hospitals: a survey study. Canadian Journal of Surgery 2019 Aug; 62(4):1-. Accepted May 14th, 2019 Senior Responsible Author.

  • Page G, Kudrina I, Tchala H, Zomahoun V, Croteau J, Ziegler D, Ngangue P, Martin E, Fortier M, Boisvert E.E, Beaulieu P, Charbonneau C, Cogan J, Daoust R, Martel M, Neron A, Richebe P, and Clarke H. A systematic review of the relative frequency and risk factors for prolonged opioid therapy following surgery and trauma among adults. Annals of Surgery 2019 June 10 epub ahead of print. 

  • Goel A, Azargive S, Weissman J, Shanthanna H, Ladha K, Lamba, W, Duggan S, Hanlon J, Di Renna T, Peng P, Clarke H. Perioperative Pain and Addiction Interdisciplinary Network (PAIN) Clinical Practice Advisory for Perioperative Management of Buprenorphine - Results of a Modified Delphi Process. British Journal of Anesthesia 2019 Aug; 123(2): e333-e342. May Special edition for Pain.

  • Ladha K, Manoo V, Virji AF, Hanlon JG, Mclaren-Blades A, Goel A, Wijeysundera DW, Kotra L, Ibarra C, Englesakis M, Clarke H. The Impact of Perioperative Cannabis Use: A Narrative Scoping Review. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 2019 Dec 6;4(4):219-230. 

  • Ladha K, Neuman MD, Broms G, Bethell J, Bateman BT, Wijeysundera DN, Bell M, Hallqvist L, Svensson T, Newcomb CW, Brensinger CM, Gaskins LJ, Wunsch H. Opioid Prescribing After Surgery in the United States, Canada, and Sweden. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Sep 4;2(9):e1910734. 

  • Ladha K, Gagne J, Patorno E, Huybrechts K, Rathmell J, Wang S, Bateman B. Opioid Overdose After Surgical Discharge. JAMA. 2018 Aug 7; 320(5),502-504.

  • Lewis-Bakker, , M. M.; Yang, Y.; Vyavahare, R.; Kotra, L. P.  Extractions of Medical Cannabis Cultivars and the Role of Decarboxylation for Optimal Receptor Responses. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2019, 4(3), 183-194. ( (Top 5 most read articles of 2019, @CannabisJrnl, Cannabis Cannabinoid Res.)

  • Yang, Y.; Lewis, M. M.; Bello, A. M.; Wasilewski, E.; Clarke, H. A.; Kotra, L. P.  Cannabis sativa (Hemp) seeds, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and potential overdose. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2017, 2(1), 274-281.

  • Lewis, M.M.; Yang, Y.; Wasilewski, E.; Clarke, H.A.; Kotra, L. P.. Chemical profiling of medical cannabis extracts. ACS Omega 2017, 2(9), 6091-6103.

  • Yang, Y.; Lewis, M. M.; Bello, A. M.; Wasilewski, E.; Clarke, H. A.; Kotra, L. P. Cannabis sativa (Hemp) seeds, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and potential over dose. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2017, 2(1), 274-281. (

  • Kapustin D, Bhatia A, Clarke H, Trivedi A, McParland, Davidson A, Brull R, Singh M.  More Sopor, Less Door: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Impact of Cannabinoids on Sleep Health and Pain in Patients with Chronic Neuropathic Pain. Anesth Analg, 130(5):A3558, May 2020.

  • KapustinD, Bhatia A, McParland, Trivedi A, Davidson A, Brull R, Singh M. Evaluating the Impact of Gabapentinoids on Sleep Health in Patients with Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pain 2019 (available online:

  • Chung F. Wong J, Bellingham G, Lebovic G, Singh M, Waseem R, Peng P, George CP, Furlan A, Bhatia A, Clarke H, Juurlink DN, Mamdani M, Horner R, Orser BA, Ryan C, Op-Safe Investigators. Predictive factors for sleep apnoea in patients on opioids for chronic pain. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2019;6:e000523. dos: 10.1136/bmjresp-2019-000523 Coauthor or Collaborator

  • Singh M, ​Hall KA, Reynolds A, Palmer L, Mukherjee S. The association of gender and ethnicity with sleep duration. Nat Sci Sleep2019. 2020:12 239–251.

  • Khan A, Awosammi Z, Kumar V, Bhatia A, Peer M, Thakore A, Brull R, Singh M,. Evaluating the patterns of sleep health disruption in patients undergoing joint replacement surgeries: A Systematic Review. Anesthesia Analgesia, 130(5):A4021, May 2020.

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